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Disaster response

  • Mobile water purification systems PureMedion designed units are very suitable for emergency water treatment and water treatment during calamities, as temporary process-units, for water production during repair of a water treatment plant and for the extension or replacement of an existing water treatment system.
  • SolarBag In a disaster, water sources are contaminated with both toxins and germs. Tablets, filters and even boiling water cannot remove all these contaminants. The reusable SolarBag 3L is a purification, transport, and storage system for use with unclean water. Without using chemicals, consumables, or power, the SolarBag 3L is able to remove microorganisms, chemical contaminants, and heavy metals from water.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  • Shield The Shield is a compact, simple to install water purifier that can be used in drinking, industrial and lab water applications. The Shield has the broadest contaminant coverage and provides the simplest use of any product on the market, with the lowest operating costs.